July 15 – 17, 2022
Carnival Studio Theater
Run Time
70 minutes
Parental Guide
Ages 18+
Encuentros breves con hombres repulsivos
(Brief Encounters With Repulsive Men)
Adaptado y dirigido por Daniel Veronese
Basado en Brief Interviews With Hideous Men por David Foster Wallace
Presentado por Fundación Festival Internacional Teatro a Mil
Adaptación que el reconocido director argentino, Daniel Veronese, hizo a partir de la novela de David Foster Wallace. Dos actores que durante ocho encuentros breves van alternando en uno y otro rol. Todos los temas apuntan a la condición masculina contemporánea que aparece ante el encuentro con una mujer – en el amor, el sexo e incluso la pérdida - y una mirada con lupa a la falta de comunicación entre los géneros.
Renowned Argentine director Daniel Veronese adapts David Foster Wallace’s story collection Brief Interviews With Hideous Men. During eight brief encounters, two actors alternate roles that explore the contemporary masculine condition and the lack of communication between genders.
Note: This production will be performed completely in Spanish.
Masks are welcome and encouraged; however, as of March 11, they are NOT REQUIRED for this production at the Arsht Center. We continue to maintain enhanced cleaning and air-filtration procedures for the well-being of all and encourage anyone feeling sick to stay home. Any policy changes will be sent directly to ticket holders and updated regularly at
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