July 28 – 31, 2022
Carnival Studio Theater
Run Time
75 minutes
Parental Guide
Ages 18+
Mejor me callo (I’d Better Shut Up)
Featuring Teatro Avante
La prestigiosa empresa familiar Cosméticos París lleva años siendo líder en la producción y la venta de artículos de belleza. El negocio parece próspero, pero la repentina irrupción de un astuto informático, a quien el dueño ha otorgado permisos excepcionales, amenaza con resquebrajar la armonía reinante. Los comportamientos del intruso desatan inesperados conflictos y los miembros de la familia deberán aliarse para evitar la debacle.
Paris Cosmetics, a prestigious family business, has been the leader in the production and sale of beauty products for years. The business appears to be prosperous, but the sudden arrival of a clever computer wiz to whom the business owner has granted exceptional authority threatens to alter the existing harmony. The intruder’s behavior causes unexpected conflicts, and the members of the family must form an alliance in order to avert a disaster.
Note: This production will be performed completely in Spanish with English supertitles.
Masks are welcome and encouraged; however, as of March 11, they are NOT REQUIRED for this production at the Arsht Center. We continue to maintain enhanced cleaning and air-filtration procedures for the well-being of all and encourage anyone feeling sick to stay home. Any policy changes will be sent directly to ticket holders and updated regularly at arshtcenter.org/covid-19.
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Promo for Screen Reader
Online ticket sales are no longer available for this performance. Tickets may still be available in person at the box office or by calling 305.949.6722.
Andy Barbosa
Alina Ineterian
Yani Martin
Julio Rodriguez
Ysmercy Salomon
Official Sponsors